LANGUAGES: Italian, English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese
Scuola Media: S. Giovanni Evangelista, Torino, Italy.
Subjects of Study: Latin, History, Mathematics, Science
Ginnasio Salesiani: Chieri, Torino, Italy.
Subjects of Study: Latin, Greek, History, Literature, Mathematics, Science.
Liceo Classico Valsalice Torino, Italy.
Subjects of Study: Latin, Greek, History, Philosophy, Literature, Mathematics, Science
University of Torino: Torino, Italy. Department of Physics
Subjects of Study: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry.
University of Genoa: Genoa, Italy. Department of Physics
Degree: Doctor in Physics, 1961
Dissertation: Group Theory Methods in Solid State Physics, 1961.
Post-doctoral Fellow : University of Torino, Torino, Italy, 1961-62
Professor of Physics:Research Institute of the National Polytechnic, Mexico City, Mexico, 1965-67
Senior Research Associate:Institute for Space Studies, NASA, New York,1968-71
Professor of Astronomy: Department of Physics, The City College of the C.U.N.Y., New York, 1974-185
Staff Scientist: Institute for Space Studies, NASA, New York, 1971-Present Columbia University, Dept. of Applied Physics and Mathematics
Scientific Advisor: Holy See Permanent Delegation to the United Nations, New York
Chairmanship:Physical Science Session, New York Academy of Sciences, New York
Physics Colloquia, Institute for Space Studies, New York
Membership Committee The New York Academy of Sciences, New York
Books: The Role of Magnetic Fields in Physics and Astrophysics. New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1975
Handbook of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Geophysics, Volume II: Galaxies and Cosmology. Gordon & Breach, New York, 1988.
Il Paradosso Nucleare, Dal MAD a SDI, Il Mulino, Italy, 1989.
Pontifical Academy of sciences (with C. Chagas):
The Impact of Space Exploration on Mankind, 1984, Scripta Varia Vol. 58.
Remote Sensing and its impact on Developing Countries, 1987, Scripta Varia.
Editor, Journal Fundamentals of Cosmic Physics Gordon & Breach Publishers, New York.
Knighthood of the Order of Saint Gregory the Great, by Pope John Paul II (1985).
Governor Member of Board of Governors, The New York Academy of Sciences, New York
Vice-President The New York Academy of Sciences, New York, January 1981
Foreign Academy Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences
1971 Intense Magnetic Fields in Astrophysics (With H. Y. Chiu) Space Science Review, 12, 735.
1973 Neutron Stars: General Review (With A. G. W. Cameron) Astrophysics and Gravitation, XVI Solvay Conference.
1974 Physical Processes in Strong Magnetic Fields "Role of Magnetic Fields in Physics and Astrophysics". Ed. New
York Academy of Sciences.
1974 Equation of State at Ultra High Densities Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 12, 167.
1975 White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars (With J. Lodenquai) Cosmos, Swedish Academy of Science, 1975.
1976 Neutron Stars: General Review VIII Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, New York Academy of
1977 Quantizing Magnetic Fields in Astrophysics (With J. Ventura) Fundamentals of Cosmic Physics, Gordon & Breach
Publ. Co., 2, 203.
1978 High Density Matter in the Universe (With J. Lodenquai) in "Many Degrees of Freedom in Particle Theory", Nato
Advanced Study Institute, Plenum Press, N.Y., 37.
1978 Plasma Astrophysics (With C. K. Chou, L. F. Canuto) Fundamentals of Cosmic Physics, Gordon & Breach Publ.
Co., 3, 221.
1978 New Trends in Cosmology Rivista Nuovo Cimento 3, 1 N. 2.
1978 Neutron Stars in: Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, LXV E. Fermi, Summer School.
1979 Dense Matter in the Universe: A Review (With B. Datta) Nuclear Physics, A238, 320.
1979 Scale Covariant Cosmology and Astrophysical Applications M. Grossman Meeting, Trieste.
1980 Neutron Stars Models (With R. Bowers),I.A.U. Symposium, #95, Bonn, Germany.
1982 Atomic and Gravitational Clocks (in honor of P.A.M. Dirac's 80th birthday) International Journal of Theoretical
Physics, 21, 633.
1986 General Relativity Italian Encyclopedia
Low Temperature Physics Study of the Bose and Fermi Liquids at low temperatures. Superfluidity and superconductivity.
Nuclear Physics: Research on the compound nucleus model of nuclear reactions with the introduction of superfluid effects.
Derivation of the first shell-model mass formula for nuclei.
Electrodynamics: Study of the behavior of matter under magnetic fields of the order of 10!" Gauss, as encountered in
collapsed stellar objects, such as pulsars.
Nuclear Astrophysics: Research on the structure of neutron stars to determine their macroscopic mass and radius. It involves
low and high energy physics as well as many body techniques.
Cosmology: This work is concerned with the fundamental problem of the relation between micro-physics and gravitation. An
extensive analysis has been done on observational data ranging from geophysics to astrophysics.
Turbulence: This study aims at constructing analytical models to describe large-scale turbulence for use in geophysical,
astrophysical, and laboratory turbulence. Interesting applications of these models are the study of the evolution and structure of
the primitive solar nebula, planetary boundary layers, propagation of electromagnetic waves in a turbulent medium, etc.
Nuclear Physics
1. On the Internal Energy and Partition Function of a Bose System. Il Nuovo Cimento, vol. 26, No. 1, 140 (1962).
2. Nuclear Level Density for an Interacting Fermi System. Il Nuovo Cimento, Series X, Vol. 28, 742 (1963).
3. On the Superfluid Behaviour of Nuclear Matter (With P. Brovetto.) Phys. Letters Vol. 3, No. 3 (1962).
4. Statistical Mechanics of a Superfluid Nuclear Matter. Nuclear Level Density I. (With P. Brovetto.) Nuclear Physics,
Vol. 44, No. 1 (1963).
5. Weizsacker's Formula, Pairing Energy and Superfluid Model of Nuclei. (With P. Brovetto and F. Chaos.) Physics
Letters, Vol. 6, No. 1, 91 (1963).
6. Spacing of Nuclear Mass Surfaces and the Superfluid Model of Nuclei. (With M. Bauer.) Physics Letters, Vol. 7, No.
4, 261 (1963).
7. The Semi-Empirical Mass Formula and the Superfluid Model of Nuclei. (With M. Bauer.) Nuclear Physics, Vol. 72,
33, No. 1 (1965)
8. On the Grand Partition Function of a Superconducting Fermi System. (With L. S. Garcia Colin.) Il Nuovo Cimento,
Series X, Vol. 39, 113 (1965).
9. Odd-Even Effect in the Nuclear Level Density and Superfluid Model of Nuclei. (With L. S. Garcia Colin.) Nuclear
Physics, 61, 177 (1965).
10. Pairing Correlation and Odd-Even Effect in the Nuclear Level Density. (With P. Brovetto and L. Fassio.) Physics
Letters, 15, No. 2 (1965).
11. El Problema de la Densidad de Niveles de un Nucleo Excitado. (With L. Fassio and J. Matinez.) Acta Mexicana de
Ciencia y Technologia, Vol. 1, No. 2, 145 (1967).
12. Microscopic Approach to the Semi-Empirical Mass Formula, Presented at the Lysekil Sweden Congress, "Why
and How Should We Investigate Nucleides Far Off the Stability Line", August (1966). (With M. Bauer.) Arkiv for Fysik, Band
36, No. 47, 393 (1967).
13. Statistical Mechanics of a Superfluid Nuclear Matter. Nuclear Level Density II. (With L. Fassio and O. Rojo.) Nuclear
Physics, Vol. A97, No. 1, 223 (1967).
14. The Nucleon-Nucleon Problem, 325 pages, International Report. C.I.E.A., (1967).
15. Course on Elementary Particles, 300 pages. Internal Report. C.I.E.A., (1967).
High Energy Astrophysics
16. Quantum Theory of an Electron Gas in Intense Magnetic Fields. (With H.-Y. Chiu.) Physical Review, 173, 5, 1210
17. Thermodynamic Properties of a Magnetized Fermi Gas. (With H.-Y. Chiu.) Physical Review, 173, 5, 1220 (1968).
18. The Magnetic Moment of a Magnetized Fermi Gas. (With H.-Y. Chiu.) Physical Review, 173, 5, 1229 (1968).
19. Properties of High-Density Matter, in Intense Magnetic Fields. (With H.-Y.Chiu). Physical Review Letters, 21, 2, 110
20. Quantum Theory of an Electron Gas With Anomalous Magnetic Moments in Intense Magnetic Fields. (With H.-Y.
Chiu and L Fassio-Canuto.) Physical Review, 176, 5, 1438 (1968).
21. Problems of Intense Magnetic Field in Gravitational Collapse. (With H.-Y. Chiu.) Astrophysical Journal, 153, L157
22. Thermodynamic Approach to the Equation of State of a Magnetized Fermi Gas. (With H.-Y. Chiu and L.
Fassio-Canuto.) Astrophysics and Space Science, 3, 258 (1969).
23. Radio Emission from Magnetic Neutron Stars: A Possible Model for Pulsars. (With H.-Y. Chiu.) Physical Review
Letters, Vol. 22, 9, 415 (1969).
24. Nature of Radio and Optical Emissions from Pulsars. (With H.-Y. Chiu and L. Fassio-Canuto.) Nature, Vol. 221,
5180, 529 (1969).
25. Electron Bremsstrahlung in Intense Magnetic Fields. (With H.-Y Chiu and L. Fassio-Canuto.) Physical Review, 185,
5, 1607 (1969).
26. Electrical Conductivity and Conductive Opacity of a Relativistic Electron Gas. Astrophysical Journal, 159, 641
27. Solution of the Dirac Equation in Orthogonal Electric and Magnetic Fields. (With C. Chiuderi.) Lettere al Nuovo
Cimento, Series I, Vol. 2, 223 (1969).
28. Longitudinal Electrical Conductivity of a Relativistic Gas in an Intense Magnetic Field. (With H.-Y. Chiu.) Physical
Review, 188, 5, 2446 (1969).
29. New State of Ferromagnetism in Degenerate Electron Gas and Magnetic Fields in Collapsed Bodies. (With H. J.
Lee, H.-Y. Chiu and C. Chiuderi.) Physical Review Letters, 23, 7, 390 (1969).
30. New Source of Intense Magnetic Fields in Neutron Stars. (With H.-Y. Chiu, C. Chiuderi and H. J. Lee.) Nature, Vol.
335, No. 5227, 47, (1970).
31. Bremsstrahlung Radiation in an Intense Magnetic Field and Emission from pulsars. (With H.-Y. Chiu.) Nature, Vol.
225, No. 5239, 1230 (1970).
32. Non-relativistic Electron Bremsstrahlung in a Strongly Magnetized Plasma. (With H.-Y. Chiu.) Physical Review A, 2,
2, 518 (1970).
33. Theory of Radiation Mechanisms of Pulsars. I. (With H.-Y. Chiu.) Astrophysical Journal, 163, 577 (1971).
34. Neutrino Bremsstrahlung in an Intense Magnetic Field. (With H.-Y. Chiu, C. K. Chou and L. Fassio-Canuto.) Physical
Review D, 2, 2, 281 (1970).
35. Transverse Electrical Conductivity of a Relativistic Gas in an Intense Magnetic Field. (With C. Chiuderi.) Physical
Review D, 1, 8, 2219 (1970).
36. Radiative Opacities and Compton Scattering in Strong Magnetic Fields. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 160, L153
37. Plasmon Neutrino Emission in a Strong Magnetic Field. II. Longitudinal Plasmons. (With C. Chiuderi and C. H.
Chou.) Astrophysics and Space Science, 9, 453 (1970).
38. Plasmon Neutrino Emission in a Strong Magnetic Field. I. Transverse Plasmons. (With C. Chiuderi and C. H. Chou.)
Astrophysics and Space Science, 9, 453 (1970).
39. Thomson Scattering in a Strong Magnetic Field. (With J. Lodenquai and M. Ruderman.) Physical Review D, 3, 10,
2303 (1971).
40. Properties of an Electron Gas in Intense Magnetic Fields. (With H.-Y. Chiu.) Bulletin of the American Physical
Society, FI1, Series 11, Vol. 13, No. 11 (1968).
41. Theory of Pulsars. II. Beamed Electromagnetic Radiation in a Magnetized Plasma. Bulletin of the American
Astronomical Society, 2, No. 2, 186 (1970).
42. Rebuttal of the Paper "Dirac Electron in Orthogonal Electric and Magnetic Field". With L. Lam and C. Chiuderi.)
Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, Series 1, Vol. 3, 551 (1970).
43. Conductivity in Neutron Star Crusts. (With A. B. Solinger.) Astrophysics Letters, 6, 141 (1970).
44. The Nuclear Soft-Core Potential and Cosmic-Ray Phenomena. I Nuovo Cimento 2A, 4, 1016 (1971).
45. Neutrino Luminosity by the Ordinary URCA Process in an Intense Magnetic Field. (With C. K. Chou.) Astrophysics
and Space Science, 10, 246 (1971).
46. Quantum-Mechanical Relation for a Magnetized Electron Gas. Physical Review, A3, 2, 648 (1971).
47. Intense Magnetic Fields in Astrophysics. (With H.-Y. Chiu.) Space Science, Rev. 12, 735 (1971).
48. Radiation Beaming in Pulsars. Reprint from "The Crab Nebula", Eds. Davies and Smith, D. Reidel Publ. Co.,
455-456 (1971). (IAU Symposium #46).
49. Neutrino Decay of Plasmons in Strong Magnetic Fields. (With C. Chiuderi and C. K. Chou.) Problemi Attuali di
Scienza e di Cultura, 157, 125 (1971).
50. Cooling of Pulsars. (With S. Tsuruta, J. Lodenquai, and M. Ruderman.) Astrophysical Journal, 6, 739 (1972).
51. Origin of Strong Magnetic Fields. (With S. Kumar and H. J. Lee.) Nature Phys. Science, 235, 53, 9 (1972).
52. Maser Mechanism for Pulsar Radiation. (With H.-Y. Chiu.) Problemi Attuali di Scienza e di Cultura, 162, 225,
53. High Magnetic Fields in Neutron Stars. Problemi Attuali di Scienza di Cultura, 162, 281 (1972).
54. Hydrogen Atom in Intense Magnetic Field of a Magnetized Plasma and Astrophysical Applications. (With D. C.
55. Quantum Theory of the Dielectric Constant. (With J. Ventura.) Astrophysics and Space Science, 18, 104 (1972).
56. Pair Annihilation into Neutrinos in Strong Magnetic Fields. (With L. Fassio-Canuto.) Physical Review D, 7, 1593
57. Photoneutrino Energy Losses in Strong Magnetic Fields. (With L. Fassio-Canuto.) Physical Review D, 7, 1601